Cancer Counseling in Denver, CO

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A word that you never thought you would hear from a doctor or a loved one. It turns your world upside down and can affect all parts of life - emotionally, mentally, relationally, and physically. Navigating this experience is a struggle - whether newly diagnosed or even if you are in years of survivorship.


I’m Katlyn. I’m a cancer therapist.


I offer compassionate cancer counseling for all survivors, caregivers (including spouses, friends, and family), loved ones, and healthcare professionals who are finding their way on this journey.

What is cancer counseling?

People can mean well in trying to help with all the suggestions for what to do and what not to do. These do’s & don’ts can just be overwhelming and paralyzing. Cancer counseling can help you find your voice and your needs.

I’m here to listen to you and create a space where you don’t have to be worried about the impact of your cancer or how you are talking about it all. I’m whole heartedly invested in creating a space for you to unload everything that is churning in your mind and heart that you either fear or worry would overwhelm someone you love.

I am comfortable in the uncomfortable - whether you want to talk about death and dying, or all the side affects your body might be experiencing, I’m here to listen and support your needs.

Here are some things that we can work on together:

  • I can help you unravel the complex emotions you are feeling and teach you how to process them.

    What my clients say:

    "I am continually impressed with Katlyn's grace, compassion, and skill. She makes me feel seen and heard through everything I am dealing with -- no matter how I express it . Working with Katlyn has been a really great experience."

  • Cancer recurrence - or even just the looming possibility of it - can feel isolating. I am here to help you face the unknown.

    What my clients say:

    "Katlyn is compassionate and kind. She invited me to her support group where I felt so much hope. Hearing from those who have survived has made the biggest difference for me."

  • I know how cancer can touch every part of your life: physically, emotionally, socially. My unique background and years of experience as Director of Oncology Support allows me to guide you from a professional perspective, while entirely supporting your emotional and psychological needs.

    What my clients say:

    "Katlyn knows ovarian / GYN cancers and the chemo drugs used -- which is critical. She makes me feel seen and understood, and has connected me to resources that I didn't think of. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Katlyn."

  • As a Certified Sex Therapist, I can help you re-ignite your sexual connection and rediscover your comfort in your body and with your experience.

    What my clients say:

    "After everything my body has been through, Katlyn taught me how natural it was to feel like an awkward stranger in my own skin. Learning that I was actually normal and that it wouldn't feel this way forever gave me so much hope and confidence."

  • Therapy can be a lifeline when you feel overwhelmed by the pain of losing someone. I create a safe space for my clients to feel everything they need to feel in order to properly heal.

    What my clients say:

    "Working with Katlyn changed everything for me. I began to see that life could hold happiness and meaning once again."

  • I find that when talking to people about cancer, they sometimes have the worst responses. I can give you the tools you need to approach these conversations in a way that promotes healing and understanding.

    What my clients say:

    "My family can actually talk about the elephant in the room. Therapy brought us closer together at a time we needed it most."

  • While serving as the Clinical Director of Oncology Support for Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance, I have worked with several local hospitals and medical professionals in the Denver Metro area. I love connecting my clients to my most trusted resources.

    What my clients say:

    "Katlyn's connections in the area built layers of support that I didn't realize I needed."

  • Cancer has a way of making us feel powerless. Teaching my clients how to reclaim their power by listening to their body and honoring their needs is a sacred privilege.

    What my clients say:

    "Katlyn helped learn how to identify what I needed, communicate my limits clearly and assertively to my family, friends, and even my healthcare providers. For the first time, I felt empowered to say no to activities or requests that drained my energy and to ask for the support I needed."

  • How you feel about death is entirely ok with me. My goal is to help you accept and find peace with the unknown, reflect on what gives your life meaning, and embrace the time you have.

    What my clients say:

    "Katlyn helped me feel empowered to focus on what truly matters to me, which is giving me a sense of purpose. I didn't know it was possible to live this fully and meaningfully."


What it’s like working with a cancer therapist in Denver

When working with me you can expect genuine compassion, high degree of clinical skills, specialized treatment to your presenting concern(s), and a deep investment in your healing journey. I will come along side you, and your relationship(s) to help in learning communication strategies, support in navigating sex post-cancer diagnosis, conflict management skills, coping strategies, emotional regulation skills, re-igniting your sexual connection, intimacy building approaches and much more.


My story, as a CancerTherapist in Denver, CO


I’ve been supporting folks who have experiences with cancer for over 8 years. For seven years I served as the Clinical Director of oncology support for Colorado Ovarian Cancer Alliance. I directed and supervised all clinical support for survivors and caregivers experiencing gynecologic cancer for the alliance. In addition to directing, I have worked with several local hospitals in the Denver Metro area teaching and educating on navigating sexual health through a cancer journey for survivors, caregivers, and medical professionals. I regularly coordinate care with other therapists who specialize in working with cancer survivors.

I have a personal connection to this work as I have had close relatives and loved ones experience the pain and healing from a cancer experience. I know firsthand how cancer can touch every part of your life - mental and emotional health, relationships, sex, body comfort, finances, and much more.

Blog Posts: Cancer Counseling

 Get started with Cancer Counseling in Denver, CO

I would love to work with you. Please schedule a free consultation with me at a time that is convenient for you.


 Other Therapy Services in Denver, CO

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